
I just want to let off some steam. I really don’t want to be negative and all since that would attract bad things. So I’m just writing one paragraph about it.


[paragraph deleted]


I just needed that. And it felt good. It felt good to realize that I cannot post something of which the sole purpose is to look bad and feel bad.


So what did I learn? That people are not perfect and that we make mistakes more than we like to. That even though you look like an idiot trying to reach out to a friend, you’re still the idiot that cared too much. And at the end of the day, you still followed through with what you feel is right.


I’m not holding grudges. Grudges are just too heavy and will make you look ugly. Instead, I’m keeping some of the lessons and recycling them in the future. Haha! Still keeping up with my theme, of course.



On a much lighter note, Frandel’s going away party – Goodbye LA, Hello France Rendezvous – is tonight y’all. Dinner will be at Manna’s Korean Bbq around 8:30. I’m not ditching being vegetarian people, they do have veggies and soup. =D Please let me know if you’re joining us for dinner so I can reserve the right number of seats. After party would most likely be at the Brass Monkey for some karaoke and beer. Hit me up for more 411.

I’ve been meaning to delete my facebook account for some time now. I’m currently undergoing this shift-in-perspective phase and I felt that I wanted more physical connection with people. I reasoned that if my friends wanted to keep in touch they could always drop by to say hello or at least give me a call. I was also bent on the idea that my friends overseas (mostly from Manila) could reach me via e-mail.


However, blogging will always be part of my life. It is my outlet (to rant or rave) and a way to give the world my opinions whether they like it or not.


A couple of friends suggested to just limit my facebook usage and use it to draw people to my livejournal account. That’s what I’ve been doing for now. I’m not so sure about the limiting part just yet but I’m working on it.


The great thing about facebook, aside from connecting to friends and getting the word around uber fast, is that once in a while you see different treasures. From exquisite performances (song, dance, etc), to news around the world, to old and memorable moments in our history, one is bound to stumble upon what could be cataloged as worthy of our time.


I wish to start sharing what I feel is a commendable discovery via facebook every month, in my criteria of course. For this month, I want to share one particular website that would definitely give everyone a different view on the stuff that we have, from production to consumption and ultimately its disposal.




I know it’s 20 minutes long but I guarantee you that it is worth it. After the presentation, there’s a link to what we can do to solve the crisis that we are facing (some tips that are applicable to our daily lives). Enjoy! And do spread the word around. Thanks.

We met at a rather inopportune time. It wasn’t on my to-do list. It wasn’t exactly part of the plan. But you really can’t plan everything. The stars know better. They knew that in time, I would find love. Or better yet, love would find us.


We’re completely different but oh-so-complimentary. You bring balance to my often fast paced, on-the-dot, toxic kind of life.


To my circle,


Thanks for all that you do. For knowing when I need you to listen and not argue (even though you think I’m exaggerating) because I needed to vent out. For saying the right words when I’m feeling down. For not giving up on us and for believing that we can get through what came before us.


I’m not perfect and I’m continuously learning along the way. And I know that you’re here beside every step of the way. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all the things you do for me and that I’m more than blessed to have you in my life.


So here’s trying to be out of the box once in a while. Happy 5 months and 10 days bubu!




Your square

well, without a box of tissue by your side. =D


[spoiler alert!! please stop reading if you’re planning to watch it]


Marley & Me is probably the best movie about dogs that I’ve ever seen that’s not animated. By the end of the movie I was crying bawling like a kid. Seriously, I have never cried so much and so intense by just watching a movie. Anyone who had or has a dog(s) should definitely watch this.


The movie revolves in the lives of two married couples and their journey through marriage and building their family. All of this with the inclusion of one crazy, adorable, and as Owen Wilson’s character called, world’s worst dog, Marley.


I guess I was really affected by the movie because I could very much relate to it. I remember I was in grade school when this cute little puppy came to our house. I don’t remember if we adopted him or somebody gave him to us but what I do remember is how shy it was when I held it. It was so tiny and v. v. adorable. My younger sister named him Spike. We were both Rugrats fans back in the day.


The first few weeks, I could sense that Spike was getting used to his new environment. I used to feel so bad because I would imagine how it was to be separated to your parents and brothers and sisters. But then it just happened. Spike felt that he was part of the family. He was finally home.


I remember the days when we’d run around the house playfully and then me and my sister would jump on the couch and poor little thing, still could not jump high enough. Pretty soon, he was up there with us on the couch.


From the scratches he made on the couch, on the wooden floor, on the wooden door (when he wanted to go out), these are just small things that I remember from Spike. He would run towards the end of the block and come running back to our arms. He was just an ordinary dog for many but a special dog to our family. We loved him dearly.


As Owen Wilson’s character perfectly says it in the end of the movie, “A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn’t care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he’ll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?”

It’s summer time here in Los Angeles and it’s getting hotter everyday. Manila, however, has been experiencing rain these past few weeks. A good friend posted some baha (tagalog for flood) videos which made me smile and look back at memories back in the day.


Anyway, most Angelinos are trying to cool down by hitting the beach this summer. I already checked out the beach scene a couple of weeks ago and it was a treat. Cool breeze, beach volleyball, hot bodies, need I say more?


Here are some simple tips to make your summer more fun and less painful (you don’t want ‘em sunburn, eh?)


1. SPF. People, I say this all the time. But bear with me. Every visit to my dermatologist is a reminder that the sun is the number one enemy of our skin. Plus, skin cancer is a very important issue since most of the people here are into getting their tan. There’s a healthy way to do it, and yes, it includes sun block.


Also, try those moisturizers with SPF. Not only does it hydrate your skin, it also protects it from the sun’s harmful rays. You may also wear a cap/hat or use an umbrella for prolonged sun exposure.


2. Keep your body hydrated. Drink lots of water since we tend to sweat more during the summer. Especially when you’re working out or hiking, make sure that you have enough water at hand at all times.


3. It’s the time to indulge in your summer reading list. Personally, I think that everyone should have a list of the books that they want to read. This makes it easier to actually lift a book and start reading it compared to just saying in your mind that you want to read something. Post it in your room or office and make those boxes where you could place a check mark once you’ve finished reading it. Trust me, the feeling of checking off something from that list is great.


If you’re not really a bookworm, try reading at least one book during the summer. This will help you become more interested in reading more books in the future. Also, if you are able to (which is hard for most students), try reading fall textbooks in advance. It’ll work wonders come first few weeks of classes.


4. Meditate. Sounds hippy-ish right? But really, working the mind and the body is great but we also need to nourish the spirit. Either by praying or by simply quietly meditating (focusing on deep breaths), this creates a peaceful surrounding. We are then able to focus on things that need to be accomplished and think more clearly.


5. Have fun with your friends and family. For most of us, this is when we have the luxury to be more flexible with our schedules.


So yeah, enjoy the summer, relax, and be safe y’all!

As the blossom of Spring give way to the warmth of Summer, another chapter unfolds. And I feel the change in me as the sweet scent of flowers and richness of soil linger. The realization that things will be different is all but an unfamiliar feeling.

At 24, I sense that my priorities are shifting. The things that I enjoyed when I was younger don’t seem as enjoyable anymore. In the process, I’ve come to a conclusion that as another page of my so-called book of life is written, I am bound to make some necessary changes.

I’m deleting most of my online “networking” accounts within this week. I reckon, if people want to talk to me they could e-mail or call me. I will, however, keep writing online.

I want to talk to people more. I want to listen. Besides, your story and mine are intertwined in many ways than one.

I’ve never felt happier and more alive. And if that means letting go of unnecessary baggage, then by all means I will let go. I don’t want to end up like ‘em older folks who rely on petty stuff to feel better and gain acceptance.

To my friends, a much deserved “thank you!” You are the ones who understand me. I am grateful for the tremendous support you have given me. Many a times I feel I don’t say this too often but I hope that my actions prove how much I care and love y’all.

So to people who matter, let’s all have an unforgettable summer. Soak up the sun, get a fabulous tan (don’t forget the SPFs), and let the summer lovin’ begin.

I stumbled upon this quote a few weeks ago: "We don’t look for love because it sucks to be alone watching movies, because it’s sad to eat meals alone, because it’s nice to cuddle up with someone on rainy days. We look for love because we want to be forgiven, for the sloppy way we dress, for the clumsy way we eat, for bad hair days, and for the plainness of ourselves. Love is an act of forgiveness, that for all our imperfections, we are accepted and forgiven."

Not really sure about the forgiveness part. But definitely positive on the acceptance. But still.. way too cheesy!

FINALS Week! Waaaaaa! Good luck to everyone taking their finals. I hear and feel your pain. I slept three hours the other day, which is a luxury for Andrew who didn’t sleep at all. That’s why he’s the powerpoint god! I swear that guy has some dope skills!

My brain is fried right now so forgive me for the misspellings and grammatical errors if any (Maja.. lol).

5 mini-updates:

1. June gloom. Yeah. It’s cccold right now here at the office. And looking outside my window, downtown Los Angeles looks like those old Japanese scary flicks, all gray scaled and depressing. I know someone’s liking the weather as I speak –> Brittany (who had a mini surprise birthday scare at the unit ops lab yesterday. Damn good red velvet cake from Portos! haha!!)

2. I cannot wait for this quarter to be over. Either I fail my kinetics class or I’ma be senior this fall! Booyah! Either way, no more FP in my group!!

3. I cannot wait to spend summer with my homies! Kris is going to be in town for a week (next week-Calling Yana, Mags, Noah, Lin, Betty, Lainey, Elmer, Anne, Joey, Steven, and Bryan: we need to do something fun, yeah?).

4. Junior Chem-E’s from Cal Poly are crazy! Fun crazy that is. I guess that’s what you get from spending many nights, weekends, and holidays at building 17!!!

5. And the most important update of all, John Lloyd and Ruffa confirmed!!. whoa! (Thanks Sed for the update) lol

Add me up guys: princerob

I should be typing up a report for my transport lab, doing my HW for multivariable 2, and finishing up my problem set for heat transfer. But I had to do this.. Yep, today. Oh well, might as well get this thing done and over with.

People to blame: Tet, Marc, Janine, Yana, David, Raissa and Lei. Nah.. I enjoyed reading yours. =)

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

25 Random Things on a random afternoon

1. I have a "to-do list" almost everyday. And yet I procrastinate. I guess, I was born to cram. Dunno, it just flows better when I’m under tremendous pressure.

2. I hate even numbers. Seriously.

3. Direct deposit saves a lot of people time and money. Really.

4. I am a tennis freak. Y’all should know this by now.

5. BEWARE: Karma’s a bitch.

6. I day dream a lot and they would all havebackground music and then people would just start dancing and singing. That’s why I relate to music very easily.

7. The world will be a better place if people smile more often.

8. "8" is probably the only even number I don’t hate as much only because it’s considered as lucky. And since I’m part Chinese (bet, you didn’t guess that), I shall abide by this belief.

9. I used to think that Chicago was a state. lol

10. This is my second attempt to complete the list (told you I’m lazy).

11. I love Paulo Coelho. He might be cheesy but he gets me.. Try reading "By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept"

12. I think that preparing a meal is an occasion in itself.

13. I’m emo.. Well, in my opinion, everyone is. Haha!

14. Since it’s been raining, it sorta felt as if the rain was washing away all the worries I’ve been having and all the excess baggage that have been dragged way too far.

15. John Mayer rocks.

16. I miss talking to my dad. If in any weird way he stumbles upon this, I’d like to say: "I love you and I miss you. I wish you were here."

17. Blueberry Cheesecake is a sin I’m willing to commit for the rest of my life.

18. Please use paper bags when buying your groceries. Or if your fashion forward, those cool Trader Joe’s tote bags.

19. One rainy day in downtown Los Angeles while buying daisies and lilies, I read this very nice quote from those little books you often see in flower/gift shops. And then I thought of you. It says:

When I say “I care”, it means that I will always do everything I can to understand.

It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me what’s wrong.

It means that I will try to fix what I can, that I will listen when you need me to hear, and that – even in your most difficult moment – all you have to do is say the word, and your hand and my hand will never let go.

It means that whenever you speak to me, whether words are spoken through a smile or through a tear.. I will listen with my heart.

20. This is my third attempt to finish this list. And it’s already Sunday morning. A cold, and wet Sunday morning in So cal.

21. One of my favorite e-mail signatures that I read was from one of our contractors. It’s actually simple and says, "Make a Difference. Volunteer."

22. I can be v. opinionated specially about things that I am passionate about. But I’m not stubborn.

23. I will go to France and live there.

24. I like the color teal.

25. I will always always believe in love and happy ending. =)

It hits you. That unexpected feeling that’s oh-so-familiar. You try to control it even though you know you’d eventually give in. It’s only a matter of time. You’re only human and everyone succumb to that urge. Many a times you’d find yourself helpless, trying your best not to give in. But there’s a constant reminder of that certain feeling of relief after you do the “deed.” You know how it feels good to finally let go… And then you do. You take the plunge. You pull down your pants. And then you pee. The end.

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