It’s been a while since I’ve written something and it feels foreign. Like the feeling I had when my sister “accidentally” pushed me at the deep end of the pool when I was 5. Trying to grasp for air, it felt like a whole new environment. Like my body was getting used to the idea of breathing water. A couple more minutes underwater and without the help of my uncle, I probably wouldn’t be writing this right now.


But I’m blabbing. So I’m stopping. Told you it’s been a while.


Anyway, after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (not really since most of us are preparing for the new years’) I just wanted to greet everyone that I wasn’t able to reach-mostly my Manila based friends and family- a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing you all the best this coming year.


I tend to cringe whenever I read some of those cheesy end-of-the-year blogs: partly because of the drama and partly because I’m guilty of writing one as well. So I’ll spare most of you the hassle of reading a similar piece. I will try hard.. Haha!


It’ll be hard to top 2008. I say that with much sincerity but with much enthusiasm for the coming year. A lot of things happened – some good and some bad – but more importantly tons of lessons learned. Let me just share to you a couple of things that come to mind as I count the hours down to 2009.


*Despite the distance, time, and unexpected events, your real friends will have your back no matter what. Sure, they may not agree with some decisions that you make but at the end of the day, when you’re sitting at the curb and the world has its back on you, they will be there to give you a hand, help you stand up, and encourage you to keep on walking.


*When all else fails, go back to basics. That’s the true test of how good your foundations were. And then you realize that you are capable, and that things seem less complicated, and that all that you needed was to believe in yourself.


*Do not ever settle for anything less than you deserve. Sure, it may be some shiny object that you’ve been eyeing for some time already but that shiny object could also be the same shiny needle that could prick you, or worse, as Leona Lewis puts it, keep you bleeding.


*”To be average scares the hell out of me.” This should be everyone’s mantra. Then the world will definitely be a better place.


*I moved out. Yes, I am writing about it for the first time. I thought 2009 was “the year” but as I’ve learned to accept, things do happen for a reason. And it happened before I turned 24. It’s my single best achievement of 2008 and I have this sense of pride that I actually did it. My mom was very supportive and I know that she will have my back if and when I need it. Plus, I have the best roomie ever!!


*I will try not to be hard on myself. There were times when I couldn’t get over the fact that I’m not perfect. I learned last year not to be too dependent on others, to not expect a lot. This year, I want to learn the art of forgiving oneself. To accept that I am vulnerable and that I am me because of my flaws and that I’m beautiful because of it.


*Love will always find a way. It may not happen the first time you meet but eventually, it will happen if it’s meant to.


*Ernest Hemingway wisely puts it, “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.” This would have to be my favorite quote of 2008. I’ve read this a couple times specially when I was feeling down and beat up. I’ve been through a lot and I can honestly say that I’m a lot stronger and wiser than ever.


So as Manila celebrates another year and as LA count the hours down, let me wish everyone that matter a fruitful 2009. To old friends, may the friendship and bond be as strong as ever. To new friends, I welcome you to my life with open arms as I welcome 2009. To my family, thanks for all that you do. To my hon, thank you for understanding, caring, and loving me that way you do. I know it’s not easy at times but you’re still there no matter what. I love you. Here’s to many more years of good times and great times! Cheers!