April 2006


There are just some things that would make an ordinary day extraordinary…

This is Outstanding!! This is better than some of my graduate student’s work.” -Britt Hastey on my International Business paper

As I took a sip of my uber sweet vanilla latte (note: 7 pumps of vanilla, I will tell the guy to make it three pumps the next time I have my coffee) to wake me up this Monday afternoon, I can’t help but feel nostalgic. Maybe because as this cool breeze of air blows into my face, the music that’s currently playing here in the cafe (You’re Beautiful) reminds me of someone back home.

Albeit I’m feeling that way, the funny things is that I also feel a sense of tranquility deep inside. I guess it’s more than that someone that’s been in my mind since yesterday. Maybe it’s just the coffee.. Nah! I think I’ve finally realized a couple things as I try to finish this cup that’s been keeping my mind up and ready for an exam in about an hour.

For the first time in months, I’ve finally stopped running. I’ve stopped running from work, school, from stuff that have kept me sane and away from utter boredom. I’ve stopped running from “what if’s” and regrets. I’ve stopped searching.

Now, I find myself admiring and observing all those that surrounds me. Like the two mail boxes outside the cafe that I’ve noticed only today despite the numerous times I’ve walked past it. Like the wonderful view that the campus has from the window of where I am right now. And as the cars, the buses, and the people pass me by, I realize that life sometimes keeps us always on the go, never stopping to admire what’s already in front of us.

But I know that this will soon pass. I’ll be searching again, finding answers once more. But as for now, I am contented. I’m happy. Even though my coffee is not that hot anymore, the cool breeze still blows and I know, all is good. This is the only place I want to be right now where I could think of that somebody and finally have a smile on my face.


Sometimes life is compliacted as it is. Some people would just make it compliacted for themselves a little bit more. I can’t help but wonder.. What were they thinking?