In some point of our lives, we are forced to make life changing choices. These choices help shape who we become later in our lives and dictate where our lives are headed for.

Right now, I am at a fork road. And I know that whatever path I choose, it’ll be hard knowing that the road not traveled will be just a fiction of my mind in the future.

All my life I have been waiting for Path A (for lack of a better term, my apologies). I honestly believe that I was destined to come across Paths just like that of A. I really don’t know what’s ahead but what I do know is that it’s an adventure I’m willing to face, head on: a price of being a scorpion.

Path B on the other hand is a much safer path. But what it lacks on the level of adventure and spontaneity, it makes up with landmarks I truly love and care about. This is the path I’ve been accustomed to. And it tears me apart with the sad thought that I prefer the other, more than this familiar road.

As of the mean time I’m facing both paths. One promises adventure, hope, and a dream almost realized. The other security, comfort, and a life cherished with familiar faces.

“It’ll be over soon,” I keep telling myself. I hope it does. It just saddens me that I’m the only one who’s thinking this way. I can tolerate jokes, but please be sensitive. Of all people why you?