January 2009

It hits you. That unexpected feeling that’s oh-so-familiar. You try to control it even though you know you’d eventually give in. It’s only a matter of time. You’re only human and everyone succumb to that urge. Many a times you’d find yourself helpless, trying your best not to give in. But there’s a constant reminder of that certain feeling of relief after you do the “deed.” You know how it feels good to finally let go… And then you do. You take the plunge. You pull down your pants. And then you pee. The end.

"Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

If 2007 never happened, I would have been a wreck right now. But it’s different. I’m different. Stronger, perhaps. Wiser, not completely sure. Anyway, someone asked me if I had time to grieve already. And it made me wonder, is it worth it? Is grieving for a failed relationship even necessary at all?

I think the real issue here is this: will grieving bring me to a better place? Honestly, I don’t think so.

Maybe it’s just me. I’m wired that way, you know, an idealistic 24-year-old bloke with a positive outlook. I’d rather focus on what good I got from that relationship rather than how broken I was. I think that deserves more credit.

I will always remember you when somebody mentions Wicked and how amazed I was the entire night. I will remember that you remembered that I love my eggs sunny side up without burning the sides or the bottom. I will remember how understanding you were at times when I couldn’t even understand me. But above all, I will remember how much I love and care for you.

So instead of grieving, I found acceptance. And in letting go of things that wasn’t meant to be. I’ve accepted the fact that what you did, hurt me so bad. And that it was difficult to work on things if it’s just me who’s willing to exert the effort. I hope we can be friends but I will respect it if you don’t want to be friends at all. Funny, I still don’t get you. But it doesn’t matter anymore.

A wise lady once said, "No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends." I don’t need to name each of you but you know who you are. And to you guys, straight up from the bottom of my heart: salamat.

After a While

After a while, you’ll find the hands that fits perfectly with yours and you hold on to it

And you learn the true meaning of love and how anything less than love is not love at all

And that the first kiss, the next, and the next, feels magical rather than forced or empty

And you begin to relish all your triumphs with pride of a child and humility of an adult

And you learn the imporatance of solidifying the foundation for the path that you will pursue

After a while, you look forward to every sunrise, walking in the light together

So you begin to appreciate all the more, the beauty of nature and all that’s around you

And you learn that it was worth the wait, the tears, and the pain

And that he/she is your answered prayer from up above

And you love, and you love, with every single day you love…