December 2007

Some of my memorable lines (and quoted ones as well) for the year:



Of all the uncertainties and doubts, of all the questions and of things I desperately search, one thing’s for sure, I will be a stronger person at the end of the day.



So go out there, make choices. Stand by them and be confident of the path you choose. Heck, I even dare you to make wrong decisions. You might learn a thing or two. Or not. For me, that is the real beauty of life: not really knowing what’s next. This mystery just keeps me hungry for wanting more life from life.



I’d rather be brutally frank than prejudiced.



I saw a picture of my favorite painting with someone from way back.. What do I make of it? I dunno.. The movie “The Lake House” taught me something.. Sometimes you just have to wait. I just have to wait…



I lost “me.” You’re going 60 mph while I’m doing 70. I actually feel that I’m continuously losing every bit of who Rob used to be everytime we’re together. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you. The problem is, you just don’t have the time to chill with me. You actually don’t have to listen but rather just look into my eyes and see right through me. But I don’t have anything against you. It’s just that I think I deserve better. I really do.

I believe in love… and happy endings.



The downside of one’s capability to love is the possibility of getting hurt.

[from my eulogy for my grandpa]

I end this speech with a quote I’ve heard before, “Love is not because you deserve it or not. It is what it is.” 



Should have.. Would have.. Could have.. and the perennial line “If only..” But you’re right. It’s better this way. (July 3)

“In God’s time, you will fall in love for the right reason with the right person. When that time comes, love will be worth the wait, the tears, and the pain.”



You’re the only struggle I’ve got but I’m working on it.

“Lie to me and tell me you love me.”



There’s just this force, this person, personal struggle, addiction, or what not, that keeps on breaking you down bit by bit.



“And you learn that you really can endure

     that you really are strong,

     and you really do have worth.

And you learn and you learn

     with every good-bye you learn. “



And just like how your palm was against mine, I would look forward to holding your hands once more.



This is me, and this is how I’ll deal with it. take your crap somewhere else.

*I apologize for such a negative post the day after Christmas but I want get it out of my system before 2008 arrives.


If there were a breeding ground for fake and superficial people, it would definitely be Los Angeles. In a city where the rich and famous cluster together, it caters to people who will fake friendships just to get ahead in the game. Wouldn’t it be nicer to say, “Oh, such and such are my networks (instead of friends),” if it all boils down to connection and nothing more that.


I’m not saying that networking is inconsequential, because it’s not. In the real grown up world, most of the time, it’s whom you know rather than what you’re all about. And there’s nothing wrong with knowing someone to get to the door. Besides, what separates people who are capable and effective from those who just happen to know someone, is that the former prove their worth and capabilities while the latter are forgotten or fired.


I’ve met some people who unfortunately fit in that category. And I must admit, I am both astonished and saddened. It’s quite amazing how they can turn everything into something that involves them. As if the entire universe revolves around them. And it’s unfortunate because some people can see right through them. The reality of it all is that, they try hard to put on this mask and conceal something they can’t be proud of.


Don’t get me wrong. Most of us want to be rich and famous. But is too much to ask for someone to be genuine despite this? No pretense. No name-dropping. I know nobody’s perfect and I myself have been guilty of some of these things that I’ve mentioned. But I am aware of it, and I try not to. It’s way nicer to just shut your mouth when there’s really nothing good that’s going to come out of it.


I may not have a lot of friends, and I don’t know anybody famous. I really don’t. And who-freakin-cares? Clearly, not me. I’ve got great people already.


“… is working against me.” –John Mayer

It’s funny how some people in the past have tried everything they can, just to be able to fly. Before the advent of airplanes and hot air balloons, people had this dream to be able to soar up in the sky and touch the clouds.

When I was a kid, I would try to jump as high as I could, thinking that if I jump high enough, I’d be able to touch the sky sooner or later. But that dream was crushed the day I learned about gravity.



by: Rob Maullon 


People change, they have and they will always will.

And it scares other people, so much that they become disillusioned.

Maybe because they have this fear of being left behind.

And their only option is to cast doubts in change, and in one’s will.


But how come it feels as if I’ve been jumping once again.

Trying to see if the stars and the clouds are within reach.

Am I doubting myself? Have I become disillusioned like them?

I don’t think so. I hope not.


The birds know better. They have the wind.

I don’t only have the wind, but a breeze that keeps on blowing.

And to them I am grateful. I am humbled.

The only thing I could ask for is that I am able to show them this.


Gravity will always work against me.

But I have and will always choose to defy it.

Call me idealistic, call me impractical.

This is me, and this is how I’ll deal with it.

This would be my last post. Here at wordpress that is. For the mean time, please visit my multiply site for blogs, updates, and photos. Here it is:

And, Happy Holidays to everyone! May all of us have time to reflect, be joyous, and be grateful for all the wonderful things that came our way. Be safe y’all!



“… is working against me.” –John Mayer

It’s funny how some people in the past have tried everything they can, just to be able to fly. Before the advent of airplanes and hot air balloons, people had this dream to be able to soar up in the sky and touch the clouds.

When I was a kid, I would try to jump as high as I could, thinking that if I jump high enough, I’d be able to touch the sky sooner or later. But that dream was crushed the day I learned about gravity.




People change, they have and they will always will.

And it scares other people, so much that they become disillusioned.

Maybe because they have this fear of being left behind.

And their only option is to cast doubts in change, and in one’s will.


But how come it feels as if I’ve been jumping once again.

Trying to see if the stars and the clouds are within reach.

Am I doubting myself? Have I become disillusioned like them?

I don’t think so. I hope not.


The birds know better. They have the wind.

I don’t only have the wind, but a breeze that keeps on blowing.

And to them I am grateful. I am humbled.

The only thing I could ask for is that I am able to show them this.


Gravity will always work against me.

But I have and will always choose to defy it.

Call me idealistic, call me impractical.

This is me, and this is how I’ll deal with it.

Side note: I haven’t blogged something I would consider literary for quite a while now. And I blame the weather. Haha! Nah, I’ve been too busy with all the holiday preparations. From the yearly Christmas shopping (I miss Vickyto), to Secret Santa (and Christmas Party) for the crew (thanks Anne!), to organizing a Christmas Carol to raise funds (we all know everyone’s asses are broke, lol), it’s been CRAZY busy.

Anyway, yesterday was the company’s Christmas party. All the big boys (it’s fun and liberating to call them such) from Sacramento flew in for the party. I would have been excited to attend had I not meet the commissioner a few months ago. So I had two options:

Option 1

Attend the party, mingle with my supervisor and director (which is always fun), mingle with other employees = so so (don’t get me wrong, some are pretty ok while the others, well, let’s just say that they are immature little brats disguised as adult attorneys and lawyers), and good food.

Option 2

Ditch the party, meet up with friends, continue the holiday shopping, bust a Meredith-Cristina-Lexie-Izzie-George (dance scene last week), all of these while getting paid the entire day.

Do I have to spell out which I chose? Nah.

Kuya Stan posted something about how turtles have become a part of his life. I couldn’t help but wonder, has anyone, in one point of their lives, ever felt that there was a connection between them and turtles. I, for instance, have a relationship with the sometimes-cute-sometimes-nasty little reptile. That sounded freakishly weird. Haha!


Just like kuya Stan’s dad, my dad is kinda like a turtle, or a snail, whichever is slower. He drives super slow, he takes his time when we go to the grocery or to the mall, and it takes him forever to get ready. [People, don’t blame me if it takes me an hour to get ready because I somehow got that from my dad. I do, however, drive relatively fast and would win a speed-shopping contest if ever. Lol]


Growing up, I followed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. Of course, I was the intelligent and least violent turtle, Donatello. I just found out that he’s actually a scientist/inventor/engineer – the field I’m pursuing right now. And to throw in something that’s sort of related but not quite, my cousin’s name is Ninja. *silence* hahaha


When we were little, my sister and I wanted to have pet turtles. We got two and we were both super excited the first week. But then, just like any other kids, we were on to something new. This happened, of course, after finding out that there’s really nothing much to do but stare at those turtles for hours and really not get entertained. So we relegated the task to the maids, which had other tasks to do. End result: they died.


One of my closest buddies Elpee gave me a turtle token (I don’t know what they’re called but those small glass turtles) as a going away present before I left. It somehow reminded me of her, of home (snorkeling at the beach, looking for turtles, and getting scared of those rather large tortoises), and of my dad.

Turtles will always be a part of my life more so because I see a part of me in them. I’m extremely independent as well, but unlike turtles, I interact with others even though it’s not courtship. Haha! Those reptiles!