March 2007

I momentarily lost my phone and I was surprised as to how I’m become so dependent on that little piece of equipment. It felt as if I was a slave of such gadget. For a second there, I wondered how it would feel like to travel all around the world without a phone (or in other cases, a laptop). I guess, that’s the next adventure I am willing to embark. Maybe after I get my degree.. Just maybe..

Don’t get me wrong, I do want to remain in contact with my friends and family but I just don’t want to limit myself and feel like I’m in dire need of a phone. I just got to remind myself of the purpose of why I bought it: not really for small talk but for emergency cases, and for my friends and family to get a hold of me wherever I am. Bottom line: it would make my life easier but I can live without it. I can.


I was waiting for my train to go work the other day when Yolanda started a conversation with me. We were both wet because of the crazy California weather and we were laughing and complaining at the same time. I say crazy because the wind was gusting like it was signal number 3 or something. Half an hour later, it’s all hot and sunny. I really don’t get it. Anyway, she had this sweet face, about 35 years old, and a mother of a 4 year-old daughter. I think she goes to LACC as well.

Aboard the train, she tells me about her dilemma that her daughter is not getting enough sleep. She was complaining how her daughter only sleeps around 3 to 4 hours a day. Whoa! I was like, ”so you’re awake as well huh?” I was right. A friend already let her try a couple of stuff and they just don’t work. I tried suggesting giving her warm milk, reading a book to her, no television. “But I’ve done those as well! After reading her a couple of books, she still wants more,” Yolanda told me.

She was already almost getting off the train because it was her stop and I bid her good luck with trying to solve the problem. I told her not to worry because it’s almost Spring break and that she would be getting the rest that she needed in no time.


Farandole is really experiencing some fascinating season of drought. But don’t worry, the troop is almost on its way to Bikini Bottom and I’m sure as hell that it will be a great drama free trip.

Speaking of drama, a word I do not fancy at all, I haven’t seen the Yin Yang twins, a.k.a. Drama-mafia for ages. Don’t get me wrong, they are really cool emissaries but sometimes they get a little out of hand. I guess their M.I.A. status is the reason why there’s been little noise here in Farandole.

My father, Leonidas, King of Farandole (not the character in 300 mind you) and my mother, Sophie will meet me at Bikini Bottom. They have some urgent business to engage with the rulers of Bikini Bottom. What it is, they dare not share with me. I just wish it’s not an arranged marriage.

Two more days and the journey begins.. Will the Bikini Bottom trip really be drama-free? How will Vince, Lei Wu Fang, and the rest of my subjects interact in a foreign territory they haven’t been to?

It’s gloomy outside and I couldn’t help but wonder, is that a sign of things to come?

Oh, I hope not. I have been pretty much doing great lately. I’ve finally talked to one of my best friends way back home the other day and it was so refreshing to hear her voice. It’s been a while since I last spoken to her and a lot of things have been happening with our lives so we were doing the whole catching up.

I really miss her. Imagine this, when I was still back home, I’d call her almost everyday. We were both from UP but from different campuses. I was in Diliman while she was in Manila. And so, the most convenient means of communication for both of us was over the phone given the hectic schedule we both had. Meeting up once in a while was almost not an option.

She’s been such a great listener whenever I ranted and whenever I was in my it’s-almost-my-birthday-I’m-really-upset mode. Or whenever I had some problem with a girl (this, she was so much of a great help). I’ve always treasured her advices.

I know that both of us are living completely different lives. I’m not even sure when I’ll see her again but what I’m completely, positively, and absolutely (yeah, the exaggeration is needed) sure of, is that our friendship will endure the distance and time. I just wish that I had been a good friend to her the way she has been to me all these years.

On a different note and galaxy, the Siberian princess left me a package in my mailbox. It was weird because the Siberian princess had only one package but different envelopes, as if he tried sending it through different ways. I would admit, I am confused with the effort or probably I’m just thinking too much.

But as I opened the package, I was surprised to find just a bland cup of marmalade. I was going to send the Siberian princess some message via my pigeon Lei Wu Fang but I stopped myself. The thing is, the pigeon took the empty note and decided to fly and take my “empty” message to the Siberian princess. Thankfully, I only look half stupid. I should have thrown a tea party for my card friends since I avoided the mishap.

Later that day, I was examining the marmalade and noticed that it was missing something. There was a small note saying that the Siberian princess will send the remaining ingredients but it’s been a thousand years already and I think I’m not really into marmalade anymore.

Driving home that night, the siren Vince kept making fun of the Siberian princess and me. But interestingly, he blurted out his connections with the Amazons. I was with Lei Wu Fang at that time and we were both surprised with the connection. But I am leaving it that way unless he reveals more of his quest for the Holy Grail with the Amazons.

So you see, it has been such a weird couple of years (thousands to be exact) here in Farandole. And I think it’ll be more interesting as the troop from Farandole (Lei Wu Fang, Vince, some of the cards, and myself included) heads out to Bikini Bottom for the dearth season. Stay tuned..

Part 4 of 4

I got a raise and I can honestly say that I really deserved it. I have put a lot of effort and hard work and I’m really grateful that it’s being recognized. Usually, a raise is given once a year (in few cases, after 6 months) but I got mine in 2 months. Pretty neat huh? It sure is. And I’m proud of myself. This just motivates me all the more to do a great job and continue putting a lot of effort in all of my future endeavors. I’m happy! Now, if all other aspects of my life could just follow suit…

Part 3 of 4

Yes, it’s official. I’m an uncle! Ate Michelle gave birth to a handsome (y’all know he got some of my traits. Lol!) 8++ pounds boy, Antoine Jr. I can’t wait for spring break because I’m going to visit them. (Mental note however: visit is strictly family related, no gambling and drinking booze) Yeah right! Vegas, here we come!



Part 2 of 4

I know. I know. The title is as corny as my high school friend’s (Abby) jokes. Moving along, my spring semester already started and so far, everything is ok. Nothing much really going on. I’m taking Econ 2 (macro), Computer Science Information Technology, Music Appreciation, Art Appreciation, and Circuit Training.

Among those classes, I really dig my Art Appreciation class. Probably because my professor is passionate with the subject matter and I really enjoy looking at various works of art (note: not limited to painting and sculptures) and trying to understand the context through which an art form was made. Plus, she’s as candid as anyone can possibly be. She makes me want to be more outspoken, rather than being opinionated. After all, I’d rather be brutally frank than prejudiced.

I guess that’s about it. I’m really looking forward to my spring break. Haha!

Part 1 of 4

I haven’t been updating lately. For the most part, I have been swamped with schoolwork, my job, as well as other stuff I’d rather call networking. Haha! I hope you got the euphemism.What’s new with me? Well, I have been traveling (not really that far), I already started with my Spring semester, I am now a proud uncle, and I got a raise. But all in all, my 2007 have been such a roller coaster ride. Completely different from how my 2006 started.

Travel now, suffer later.

Arizona. So we were off to Arizona for a weekend last January. We started off driving around the city. Downtown Phoenix was so dead. I don’t know why, but it just was not the place for me. Or am I just used to the hustle here in LA. Maybe. We accidentally ended up (I just love the spontaneity of road trips) at this Botanical garden and had such a blast. I never imagined the variety of cactus species out there. Of course, cam whore mode. Full gear I must add!

Desert Botanical Garden


Board says it all

And then we had dinner at this country sort of western (cowboy and gals) place. It was friggin’ expensive! I felt I was in LA. Haha! But we had a great time as well. Yana and I were dancing, need I say more? We had to get up early the following day because we were going to drive farther and we needed to be done as early as possible so that we could return to LA right away. First stop: horseback riding. Minus the pain in the ass (literally! And this went on for days), it was really fun. I just wished we were allowed to ride faster but I guess we were only doing the sight seeing and tour of the place. Next time perhaps.

If you would look closely, the horse’s scarf and the one I’m using are the same color! Haha!

Sedona (Gas station.. obviously!)

Sedona Group pic (all four had loots – see blue bags)

Last stop of the AZ trip: the Grand Canyon. One word: marvelous. It was so beautiful and it was way better than what I expected. I really felt the presence of somebody great that’s responsible for this. I mean, yeah it happened over the course of time and there’s a scientific explanation as to how it formed the way it is, but you can never disclaim the feelings one would experience in such a place. It was really breathtaking and I wish all of you can go and visit the place at least once in your life because it is so worth it.

Rob at the Grand Canyon

Big Bear. How did it take this long for us to go there? I mean, ‘cmon, summer is fast approaching! Good thing was, Lin wanted to celebrate her birthday up in the mountains. That meant snowboarding and skiing for everyone! Again, it was such a pain in the ass (literally once again!), but it was fun. And it was worth all the falls and bruises. We were just doing beginner’s slopes and I could just imagine that time where I can handle the steep ones. Or not! Every so often, they would bring a stretcher from those slopes and have someone with a neck brace or a casting. I don’t want to be one of them yet.

With my friend Lin at the lift

Trying to look pro.. not!

Justin, Rob, Lin, and Anne (she’s freezing! lol)

I just cannot wait for our next Big Bear getaway. Like what I said, it’s almost summer. Maybe this month. I hope so. Oceanside/Long Beach Area. Yup, were going around that area. We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific and it was just amazing! I mean, there were all sorts of underwater creatures. I touched, with my bare hands, a couple of sharks and stingrays. The sting rays felt really silky while the sharks, well.. let me put it this way, if you touch them going in one direction it felt smooth, and then going the opposite direction  it felt rough. Get it? It was a really nice experience for a 22-year-old kid. Haha!

I have been out of town most of the time, which translates to spending, spending, and more spending. Therefore, I won’t be traveling to New York for Spring break. I don’t think I would be able to save enough money for that. Would I trade it though? If I could go back in time and realize that if I go ahead and go to these places I wouldn’t be going to NY anytime soon, would I then choose not to go? Nah. It was all worth it.