I stumbled upon this quote a few weeks ago: "We don’t look for love because it sucks to be alone watching movies, because it’s sad to eat meals alone, because it’s nice to cuddle up with someone on rainy days. We look for love because we want to be forgiven, for the sloppy way we dress, for the clumsy way we eat, for bad hair days, and for the plainness of ourselves. Love is an act of forgiveness, that for all our imperfections, we are accepted and forgiven."

Not really sure about the forgiveness part. But definitely positive on the acceptance. But still.. way too cheesy!

FINALS Week! Waaaaaa! Good luck to everyone taking their finals. I hear and feel your pain. I slept three hours the other day, which is a luxury for Andrew who didn’t sleep at all. That’s why he’s the powerpoint god! I swear that guy has some dope skills!

My brain is fried right now so forgive me for the misspellings and grammatical errors if any (Maja.. lol).

5 mini-updates:

1. June gloom. Yeah. It’s cccold right now here at the office. And looking outside my window, downtown Los Angeles looks like those old Japanese scary flicks, all gray scaled and depressing. I know someone’s liking the weather as I speak –> Brittany (who had a mini surprise birthday scare at the unit ops lab yesterday. Damn good red velvet cake from Portos! haha!!)

2. I cannot wait for this quarter to be over. Either I fail my kinetics class or I’ma be senior this fall! Booyah! Either way, no more FP in my group!!

3. I cannot wait to spend summer with my homies! Kris is going to be in town for a week (next week-Calling Yana, Mags, Noah, Lin, Betty, Lainey, Elmer, Anne, Joey, Steven, and Bryan: we need to do something fun, yeah?).

4. Junior Chem-E’s from Cal Poly are crazy! Fun crazy that is. I guess that’s what you get from spending many nights, weekends, and holidays at building 17!!!

5. And the most important update of all, John Lloyd and Ruffa confirmed!!. whoa! (Thanks Sed for the update) lol