November 2006

Ok.. Tell me why I decided to get a new haircut while it’s winter? Haha! :p

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I was watching TFC(don’t ask why) the other day and there’s this actress comparing her boyfriend to water and how she can’tlive without him. Wtf? I almost gagged.

Aside from the comment being cheesy, there’s really something wrong with it. Seriously! I think the phrase “I can’t live without you” is both overused and misused. I bet more than half of those who say it, can live without the other person. In other words, they didn’t really mean what they said.

I remember Jennifer Aniston in Rumor Has It and how she told her boyfriend how she could live without him but choose not to.

Sarah: I didn’t come here to tell you that I can’t live without you. I can live without you. I just don’t want to.

Yeah, I think what she said is more truthful. But it’s still cheesy! Haha! And guys, don’t bother memorizing it and telling it to your other half. You know they’d notice if you meant it or just borrowed it from somewhere else. Who knows, they could have seen the flick as well.

But.. You could get away if your special someone is shallow minded. Quoting my friend Rommel, “shallow girls who like shallow guys end up in their respective shallow relationships.” I suddenly miss my friend Shally. Lol! On that note:

CONGRATULATIONS to all the UP Diliman peeps (especially all the KEMers) who took the Chemical Engineering Board Exam. 100% passing!!! I’m proud of y’all!

Haha! My buddy Rhonda sent me an email the other day. According to her, I look like crap (well, she didn’t really use the word “crap,” see title) in my pics here in my blog. So I decided to post this:


 She thinks I don’t smile in my pics.. So here’s a sorta smile (hookah night!). Lol!

So, after more or less three weeks of being out of the work force (which is totally my choice, not that I was fired or anything) I got a phone call a week ago. Apparently, there’s this job that I applied for way back March and Jackie, the program’s director, was wondering if I was still interested in the student position. She was explaining how she got my resume way back but had to wait due to budget-related reasons.

Two words y’all: perfect timing! See, way back March, I was still working at Nordstrom and I wasn’t really at the point quitting just yet. Come June and I visited PI (and hooked up with this wonderful lady). Lastly, just what I told y’all, I quit my job just recently. What could’ve happened if they needed someone for the position last March, I would never find out of course. I’m just glad they need one now.

And so the INTERVIEW.

It was, to date, the most nerve wracking interview I’ve experienced. First, it’s the California Department of Corporations that we’re talking about here; a government agency! I did my research and prepared for possible interview questions. But aside from Jackie, her boss was also there-on the phone, direct from Sacramento! So both Jackie and her boss were asking me questions and listening to what I had to say.

I was a bit nervous but I’ve handled the interview pretty well. I’mproud of what I’ve accomplished whether I get the job or not. I feel as if I’m ready to face even a Panel interview. C’mon! My body’s been programmed this time of the year for Engineering Week. GO KEM!!!


I got the job!!! It feels so good! Nervous, happy, excited, a lot of emotions goin’ on here folks. I just wish that this job is really for me. That I’d find it not only challenging but enjoyable as well. After all, this is another ride I’m ready to cruise along.

Four months..


Four months, how long it may seem

For I want to be in your arms again;

But also, how short it seem

For I would wish to spend more time with you.


Miles.. Oceans..

Cliché as it may sound,

You’re so far yet so near.

I need you. So bad.

Each day that pass, is just a struggle.

But I’m still holding on.


I don’t know what the future holds,

For you, for me, for us.

But sunrise after another,

As the stars embrace me

On a cloudless night,

I think of you.


Of how you’ve made me feel special.

Of what it feels to be appreciated.

I think of the kiddo that makes me smile.

The one who doesn’t care what others are saying.

Principled, spontaneous, and driven,

Qualities I admire of you.


Four months..

I could honestly say that each day

My feelings for you grow deeper and deeper.

I know it’s too early to say it’s love

But I won’t be surprised to wake up

And realize it is.

Happy 4th!


Four months..


Four months, how long it may seem

For I want to be in your arms again;

But also, how short it seem

For I would wish to spend more time with you.


Miles.. Oceans..

Cliché as it may sound,

You’re so far yet so near.

I need you. So bad.

Each day that pass, is just a struggle.

But I’m still holding on.


I don’t know what the future holds,

For you, for me, for us.

But sunrise after another,

As the stars embrace me

On a cloudless night,

I think of you.


Of how you’ve made me feel special.

Of what it feels to be appreciated.

I think of the kiddo that makes me smile.

The one who doesn’t care what others are saying.

Principled, spontaneous, and driven,

Qualities I admire of you.


Four months..

I could honestly say that each day

My feelings for you grow deeper and deeper.

I know it’s too early to say it’s love

But I won’t be surprised to wake up

And realize it is.

Happy 4th!

Just the other day, mother and I were discussing about my competitiveness. I told her that my friend commented on how OC I can be when writing a paper for class. (Writing a 4 page paper when the professor says 2 isn’t that bad right? How can someone discuss thoroughly the Five Factors of the Evolutionary Process in two pages??)

So, my mom explains how she raised me up-to be as competitive as I can be, dragging along one of her infamous line (my dearest sister rolls her eyes whenever she hears it for the nth time) “You are your greatest competition.”

Being competitive has its pros and cons. For instance, I agree with my mom and think that my greatest competition is myself. Look at it this way: Whenever I lose to other people, I get up, analyze what happened, and then move on. However, when I don’t perform as well as I know I could, I get up, still analyze what happened, but the moving on part seem rather harder to achieve. This sounds that I am a bit TOO hard on myself. I am.

Another thing I realized about myself lately is that I usually have a good grasp of things. So, when I find myself in a dilema that I really couldn’t get out off, I try to put off whatever needs to be dealt with. My defense meachanism includes: panic, denial, then avoidance.

This post is such a negative post. I’ve had an ok day but Elmer just passed out my tennis invitation (which I completely understand), and this Econ lecture is way too boring and too long, hence me-trying to pretend to listen to my professor and taking notes. If she only knew..

MORAL: Too much free time isn’t as pleasant as it may seem. I usually wander off and think about stuff, over-analyze, and find something to stress about. I have got to keep myself busy: college applications, job hunting, readings, etc. It’s cold outside… I wonder what’s for dinner.