April 2008

So I’ve been kinda emotional at work these past few days. In a v. v. happy emotional mood that is. You know me, just say something good about the work that I’ve done/accomplished and I’d blush. And if it was coming from a mentor, say a professor or a boss, I’d be teary-eyed.

Jackie, my immediate boss and mentor pulled me aside the other day just to say how she’s glad and appreciative of the contributions I made to the agency. I told her I love working here and she just kept on saying that it would be sad if the time comes that I’d leave the office. I didn’t want to entertain the thought since I’m staying here for at least another year. And if I start thinking that way, I’d be sad too. I just want to enjoy, learn as much as I can, and work with the team until that day arrives.

And then this morning, this e-mail from my director in Sacramento:

“Hi there…

Robert, I wanted to show you what I sent to NASAA so you’d be able to see how the information you assembled got used.

I used the format you created and molded Deb’s TAP$ information to fit.

I think we did an admirable job on this project, especially given time constraints, and I expect that your spreadsheets will lead to CA receiving an award at the upcoming NASAA conference. Robert, your work on this project is a major factor in our being eligible for this award, as there was just no way we could have entered all of the events (almost 400 of them!) one at a time on the NASAA form. Well done.

Thank you very much!!


Andrew M. Roth, MPA

Director, Education and Outreach

California Department of Corporations”


He’s like the dream boss, I tell you. And I hope he’s right. I really want Cali to win this year. And being part of a team that’s responsible for it: priceless. But even if we don’t win this year, I’m so proud of all the people who worked so hard in educating the public and their devotion to investor protection. Kudos to us guys!!

i hate it! i hate it! grrrr….

when it came out, i was adamant that i wasn’t going to fall for all the hype it generated. one friend got his the 2nd day it came out, others followed suit.

see, i’m more of a nokia guy: user-friendly and stylish. and i thought that 400 bucks is way expensive for a non-nokia (or vertu *coughs7Kcoughs*) model.

but my Nokia 8801 is dying a slow and painful death. (stupid rob for having it in his shorts while playing bring me the bacon at the beach.. tsk tsk..)

and since i didn’t want to spend more than 500 bucks for the phone I wanted (some N-series), i decided to settle for the iphone.

so I went at the nearest apple store, the one in Glendale Galleria, to buy one. lo and behold, they were out of stock. and the one by the Grove, Beverly Center, and Pasadena. what the heck.. even San Francisco is out of stock (sorry, too much free time at work).

and they were still out of stock yesterday, and today! sheesh..

i had an i-could-care-less attitude when i first wanted to buy an iphone but there’s something about not having what you want that makes me want it all the more: the thrill of the chase.

i am so not used to not having it my way. (that’s my alter ego speaking.. lol)

Whenever I’m sad [which is not really THAT often], I usually list a bunch of stuff that makes me happy. Or excited.


1. McDonalds Iced Coffee – Yeah!! Just as Starbucks recently launched its’ new brew (Pike Place Roast) which I must admit is muy delicioso, McDonalds responds with their new Iced Coffee. Which is good tasting and cheap (yeah, at least a buck cheaper than Starbucks or Coffee Bean). Just in time for the summer heat.


2. Yay for Starbucks coffee card! My friend gave me this card which allows me to get my drip every Wednesday, for n amount of times, for my friends also (when I let them borrow the said card), until May 28, for FREE!!! Haha! Forgive me for much coffee talk, I just need it for late study nights and the like.


3. Union Station, Los Angeles CA – The first time I went for a trip there for my art class, I was like “How can this trip be fun? It’s just a train/bus station..” But I must admit, it’s one of those jewels within a city that people somehow just passes by. So yesterday, I brought some friends around the station for some art appreciation and bonding before Kimmie leaves for Thailand. I kinda knew what was already there but still, it was refreshing to see the works of art once more.


4. Ice cream. Enough said. =P


5. Talking to Shana. Gee, I missed her so much. It’s always a treat when you get to talk to people who you grew up with. They kinda know you enough to know if something’s bothering you even if you don’t say anything. To one of my best friends: Happy Birthday once again! May God bless you with the desires of your heart. You are truly a blessing to your family and friends. I miss you dearly and I’ll see you soon. *hugs*


6. Tennis. Yay-yeah! Lol I played tennis last night with Jay, Noah, and Jake. I couldn’t close the match right away. I was already up 4-1 against Jake when I missed some crucial shots, one of which was an overhead smash that should have been an easy winner. Suddenly, I was 4-5 (30-30), two points from losing the match. I had to regroup and focus more. I was able to escape, barely, winning 7-5. *confetti* ahahaha! We’re playing this Sat again. I’ll be ready by then.


7. FCC. God works in mysterious ways.


8. All the blessings that God has given me. I’m really overwhelmed.


I already forgot why I was sad earlier when I started typing this. That’s the reason why I do such. It’s way cheaper than retail therapy for sure.


Ps. I hate that I’m a TV junkie. It’s going to be a long night. Y’all know what’s happening right? Haha! Oh well, I’ll just have to bank on the idea that I may be on a trivia quiz show one day and could be asked “What’s Tila Tequilla’s real name?” ahahahahaha!