March 2008

Last year, I posted a poem that my friend faxed to my office one lazy morning. The title: After a While 

And since I had a long night last yesterday with the crew, hence lack of sleep, therefore not really being productive here at work, I bring you, my cheesy version:


After a While

After a while, you’ll find the hands that fits perfectly with yours and you hold on to it

And you learn the true meaning of love and how anything less than love is not love at all

And that the first kiss, the next, and the next, feels magical rather than forced or empty

And you begin to relish all your triumphs with pride of a child and humility of an adult

And you learn the imporatance of solidifying the foundation for the path that you will pursue

After a while, you look forward to every sunrise, walking in the light together

So you begin to appreciate all the more, the beauty of nature and all that’s around you

And you learn that it was worth the wait, the tears, and the pain

And the she is your answered prayer from up above

And you love, and you love, with every single day you love…

I really had a bad day today. Got to talk to my boys for support though. Thanks!! You guys rock. And a hug from Sakura. I don’t know how I would have survived this day without them.

Less than 4 months.. You have no idea how long this wait actually feels. Sometimes I wonder, would you be happy to see me? When we see each other and I hug you all of a sudden, it’s because I’m too excited to see you. And I really missed you.

I missed my lab quiz today. Freakin’ 25 percent of my grade. I bet my grade’s going to drop from an “A” to a “C.” And even though it’s one unit only, I still care about it. But all is done. I am to blame for staying up late last night and not waking up when I had to. But still, I hope and pray that I won’t ever have to deal with that inconsiderate prof ever.. again.. David told me that him and Brian are going to choke our prof come Friday. But yeah.. sadness.

And dami kong tanong sa’yo.. Pero not naman serious. Mga tipong: “Kamusta ka na? How’s work? What have you been up to lately? How’s school?” Sabi ko naman sa’yo eh, madami.. I hope you wont get overwhelmed.

Played tennis a while ago. Not so good game. Too many unforced errors. Erratic serve. But somehow, I managed to let out some steam and anger. And you know how I seem to forget what’s happening in my life whenever I’m in the courts. After the game, back to reality..

I’m scared, you know.. But I know what I want. I really do.

Had dinner a couple of minutes ago. Burnt my tongue. What else could possibly happen tonight? The night is young, lotsa possibilities. I might as well go to sleep. Tomorrow’s a new day Rob.

Let me borrow a line from the Mraz guy (doesn’t it sound way cooler than Jason Mraz?), “I’m yours..” still..

So my previous entry was sorta vague. Really vague. Lol! It’s just that I didn’t want to say anything before “the day.”

“The day,” which was yesterday, was when I decided to try dating once more. No, I didn’t kiss dating goodbye. I just took a break from it. That’s all.

Most of you prolly know that there’s this girl I really like (love pa nga eh) back in PI. I really want to see if things will work out for us but that won’t happen any time soon. Which made my decision to date, rather hard at first.

But some opportunities knock only once and I didn’t want to miss out on something that might-have-been later down the road.

So, when K (this girl I like from church) suggested that maybe we should grab lunch sometime (she coincidentally works around the area where I go to school to.. what are the odds? haha), instead of being coy, I said yes.

I took my chance, asked her out, and it felt great.

People date most of the time to assess whether one is suitable for them or not. Oftentimes, with the intent of being in an intimate relationship with the other person. But some do so, in order to get to know a person and be friends with them first. In other words, have a foundation of a good friendship and move on from there.

The latter is my idea of dating right now. No pressure whatsoever. Just lots of fun and being true to yourself and to your date. Besides, I still have to settle stuff come July.

It was a simple lunch, on a beautiful day.

Just wanted to remind myself of today. Hence the post. ‘Twas a good day.. er.. night.