August 2009

I just want to let off some steam. I really don’t want to be negative and all since that would attract bad things. So I’m just writing one paragraph about it.


[paragraph deleted]


I just needed that. And it felt good. It felt good to realize that I cannot post something of which the sole purpose is to look bad and feel bad.


So what did I learn? That people are not perfect and that we make mistakes more than we like to. That even though you look like an idiot trying to reach out to a friend, you’re still the idiot that cared too much. And at the end of the day, you still followed through with what you feel is right.


I’m not holding grudges. Grudges are just too heavy and will make you look ugly. Instead, I’m keeping some of the lessons and recycling them in the future. Haha! Still keeping up with my theme, of course.



On a much lighter note, Frandel’s going away party – Goodbye LA, Hello France Rendezvous – is tonight y’all. Dinner will be at Manna’s Korean Bbq around 8:30. I’m not ditching being vegetarian people, they do have veggies and soup. =D Please let me know if you’re joining us for dinner so I can reserve the right number of seats. After party would most likely be at the Brass Monkey for some karaoke and beer. Hit me up for more 411.

I’ve been meaning to delete my facebook account for some time now. I’m currently undergoing this shift-in-perspective phase and I felt that I wanted more physical connection with people. I reasoned that if my friends wanted to keep in touch they could always drop by to say hello or at least give me a call. I was also bent on the idea that my friends overseas (mostly from Manila) could reach me via e-mail.


However, blogging will always be part of my life. It is my outlet (to rant or rave) and a way to give the world my opinions whether they like it or not.


A couple of friends suggested to just limit my facebook usage and use it to draw people to my livejournal account. That’s what I’ve been doing for now. I’m not so sure about the limiting part just yet but I’m working on it.


The great thing about facebook, aside from connecting to friends and getting the word around uber fast, is that once in a while you see different treasures. From exquisite performances (song, dance, etc), to news around the world, to old and memorable moments in our history, one is bound to stumble upon what could be cataloged as worthy of our time.


I wish to start sharing what I feel is a commendable discovery via facebook every month, in my criteria of course. For this month, I want to share one particular website that would definitely give everyone a different view on the stuff that we have, from production to consumption and ultimately its disposal.



I know it’s 20 minutes long but I guarantee you that it is worth it. After the presentation, there’s a link to what we can do to solve the crisis that we are facing (some tips that are applicable to our daily lives). Enjoy! And do spread the word around. Thanks.