September 2008

Got this from my friend Angel,

When do you stop?

1. When there’s this little voice inside you that tells you something isn’t right.

2. When you see the disaspproving looks of your real friends, even if they keep quiet about it.

3. When it’s a negative externality to society.

4. When you know you’re hurting someone.

5. When you try to justify your actions to your conscience and to your closest friends.

6. When you know that if your mom/dad/grandfather/sister knew about this, they’ll be sad.

7. When you’re hurting yourself.

8. When you become the unhappy person that you hate.


Tina Fey is soooo good. I couldn’t stop laughing while watching this clip. See for yourelsves.

Palin/Clinton SNL

Election day is fast approaching and I’m so excited to see which historic moment would be on the newspapers the day after. I hope Barack wins because I want the war to end now and I’m leaning towards his universal health care plan. But yeah, Palin as McCain’s VP is one hella gutsy move which I think is just brilliant. We shall see if it was worth it.