"Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

If 2007 never happened, I would have been a wreck right now. But it’s different. I’m different. Stronger, perhaps. Wiser, not completely sure. Anyway, someone asked me if I had time to grieve already. And it made me wonder, is it worth it? Is grieving for a failed relationship even necessary at all?

I think the real issue here is this: will grieving bring me to a better place? Honestly, I don’t think so.

Maybe it’s just me. I’m wired that way, you know, an idealistic 24-year-old bloke with a positive outlook. I’d rather focus on what good I got from that relationship rather than how broken I was. I think that deserves more credit.

I will always remember you when somebody mentions Wicked and how amazed I was the entire night. I will remember that you remembered that I love my eggs sunny side up without burning the sides or the bottom. I will remember how understanding you were at times when I couldn’t even understand me. But above all, I will remember how much I love and care for you.

So instead of grieving, I found acceptance. And in letting go of things that wasn’t meant to be. I’ve accepted the fact that what you did, hurt me so bad. And that it was difficult to work on things if it’s just me who’s willing to exert the effort. I hope we can be friends but I will respect it if you don’t want to be friends at all. Funny, I still don’t get you. But it doesn’t matter anymore.

A wise lady once said, "No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends." I don’t need to name each of you but you know who you are. And to you guys, straight up from the bottom of my heart: salamat.

After a While

After a while, you’ll find the hands that fits perfectly with yours and you hold on to it

And you learn the true meaning of love and how anything less than love is not love at all

And that the first kiss, the next, and the next, feels magical rather than forced or empty

And you begin to relish all your triumphs with pride of a child and humility of an adult

And you learn the imporatance of solidifying the foundation for the path that you will pursue

After a while, you look forward to every sunrise, walking in the light together

So you begin to appreciate all the more, the beauty of nature and all that’s around you

And you learn that it was worth the wait, the tears, and the pain

And that he/she is your answered prayer from up above

And you love, and you love, with every single day you love…

It’s been a while since I’ve written something and it feels foreign. Like the feeling I had when my sister “accidentally” pushed me at the deep end of the pool when I was 5. Trying to grasp for air, it felt like a whole new environment. Like my body was getting used to the idea of breathing water. A couple more minutes underwater and without the help of my uncle, I probably wouldn’t be writing this right now.


But I’m blabbing. So I’m stopping. Told you it’s been a while.


Anyway, after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season (not really since most of us are preparing for the new years’) I just wanted to greet everyone that I wasn’t able to reach-mostly my Manila based friends and family- a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing you all the best this coming year.


I tend to cringe whenever I read some of those cheesy end-of-the-year blogs: partly because of the drama and partly because I’m guilty of writing one as well. So I’ll spare most of you the hassle of reading a similar piece. I will try hard.. Haha!


It’ll be hard to top 2008. I say that with much sincerity but with much enthusiasm for the coming year. A lot of things happened – some good and some bad – but more importantly tons of lessons learned. Let me just share to you a couple of things that come to mind as I count the hours down to 2009.


*Despite the distance, time, and unexpected events, your real friends will have your back no matter what. Sure, they may not agree with some decisions that you make but at the end of the day, when you’re sitting at the curb and the world has its back on you, they will be there to give you a hand, help you stand up, and encourage you to keep on walking.


*When all else fails, go back to basics. That’s the true test of how good your foundations were. And then you realize that you are capable, and that things seem less complicated, and that all that you needed was to believe in yourself.


*Do not ever settle for anything less than you deserve. Sure, it may be some shiny object that you’ve been eyeing for some time already but that shiny object could also be the same shiny needle that could prick you, or worse, as Leona Lewis puts it, keep you bleeding.


*”To be average scares the hell out of me.” This should be everyone’s mantra. Then the world will definitely be a better place.


*I moved out. Yes, I am writing about it for the first time. I thought 2009 was “the year” but as I’ve learned to accept, things do happen for a reason. And it happened before I turned 24. It’s my single best achievement of 2008 and I have this sense of pride that I actually did it. My mom was very supportive and I know that she will have my back if and when I need it. Plus, I have the best roomie ever!!


*I will try not to be hard on myself. There were times when I couldn’t get over the fact that I’m not perfect. I learned last year not to be too dependent on others, to not expect a lot. This year, I want to learn the art of forgiving oneself. To accept that I am vulnerable and that I am me because of my flaws and that I’m beautiful because of it.


*Love will always find a way. It may not happen the first time you meet but eventually, it will happen if it’s meant to.


*Ernest Hemingway wisely puts it, “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.” This would have to be my favorite quote of 2008. I’ve read this a couple times specially when I was feeling down and beat up. I’ve been through a lot and I can honestly say that I’m a lot stronger and wiser than ever.


So as Manila celebrates another year and as LA count the hours down, let me wish everyone that matter a fruitful 2009. To old friends, may the friendship and bond be as strong as ever. To new friends, I welcome you to my life with open arms as I welcome 2009. To my family, thanks for all that you do. To my hon, thank you for understanding, caring, and loving me that way you do. I know it’s not easy at times but you’re still there no matter what. I love you. Here’s to many more years of good times and great times! Cheers!

To my bff Vickyto,

Happy Birthday!!!

Wishing you another great year full of blessings and love. I wish you all the best. I miss you a lot! Tc and see you soon. Mwah!

Got this from my friend Angel,

When do you stop?

1. When there’s this little voice inside you that tells you something isn’t right.

2. When you see the disaspproving looks of your real friends, even if they keep quiet about it.

3. When it’s a negative externality to society.

4. When you know you’re hurting someone.

5. When you try to justify your actions to your conscience and to your closest friends.

6. When you know that if your mom/dad/grandfather/sister knew about this, they’ll be sad.

7. When you’re hurting yourself.

8. When you become the unhappy person that you hate.


Tina Fey is soooo good. I couldn’t stop laughing while watching this clip. See for yourelsves.

Palin/Clinton SNL

Election day is fast approaching and I’m so excited to see which historic moment would be on the newspapers the day after. I hope Barack wins because I want the war to end now and I’m leaning towards his universal health care plan. But yeah, Palin as McCain’s VP is one hella gutsy move which I think is just brilliant. We shall see if it was worth it.

It’s nice to be back and all but the city feels foreign. I guess at the back of my mind, I know it’ll be over soon..

But boy, I am having a blast so far!!!! I just hate the idea of checking my bills when I get back. Gasp! I blame shopping.

Manila Science High School. Nope, never heard of it back in 1998. I seriously wanted to go to Philippine Science High School but my mom didn’t want me to. Her reasons varied from, it’s too far, too many squatters near the campus, to the recent stabbing of one of its students. I told her I just wanted to take the entrance exam but she wouldn’t give in. She knew that if I passed, I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else.


Anyway, back to Masci. It was a different school. For one, academics were the only priority. The athletics, the foreign languages, even the music department were almost non-existent. Ok, maybe not the music. We had a Masci choir anyway. There wasn’t even an art class! And for the first time in my life, no religion classes. Now, my alma matter is deemed worthy of a separate and elaborate post so I wouldn’t dig deep about the specifics for now. But just know that it was geared towards intellectual development into the Sciences and Mathematics.


Having a 7 a.m to 7 p.m. Tuesday schedule one school year, sleeping at the wee hours of the night, and waking up before sunrise, I needed an escape from Physics, Biology, and Calculus. I joined the Tennis and Volleyball varsities, joined the French club (became the president of it without learning a decent sentence), joined the school paper and became a writer/reporter. I even participated in other extra curricular activities but for some reason, I still felt something was missing in my life.


My mom knew about the pressures of high school and she thought of bringing me to her bible study to meet other teens. It was held in San Lorenzo Village in Makati, at the house of a lovely American couple. According to my mom, it was a mixed denomination but that we were all Christians. That was the first time I’ve ever heard of our Christian brothers and sisters that were not Catholic.


My mom would go to the adult bible study whilst I joined the youth bible study. I can still recall those Fridays. Boy, was it fun! We were just being kids (or teens, but really acting kids) and we would ask Kuya Mark, our youth pastor, if we could just chill for a while. Of course, after sleeping, goofing around the room (just imagine teens having their bible study in a room with a big bed, TV, and full blast AC—chaos! Haha!), and sometimes passing by Park Square or Glorietta for some frappe, we eventually listened to him and actually have a bible study. One night though, we actually almost got locked inside Park Square because it was closing already. Good times good times.


At that point in my life, I began to learn more about God. I knew then, how little I knew about his words. Sure, I have been trained to sing songs, recite prayers, observe Christian holidays, but I didn’t quite grasp yet the intensity of what it meant to be a Christian. It felt as if I was trying the pool for the first time. Scared to see how deep it is, shivering because of its temperature, but eventually learning how to swim, and body adjusting to the temperature.


But it only gets better….


Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

I Can Only Imagine lyrics

I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side

I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine

I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine

I can only imagine

I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine

I can only imagine


I can only imagine [x2]

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you

I can only imagine


I really love this song. The first time I heard it, I fell in love with it na. Really nice message. =) That’s why it’s my profile song for the trifecta: multiply, myspace, and friendster. check it out guys!





got this from Janine. and since I’m brave and/or needs someone to stoke my ego, i present..



Statistically speaking, unless you are a total hermit, a social retard, or ugly as a putrid bum, there is at least one person in your multiply network that has a crush on, wants to date you, wants to sleep with you or simply just wants to kiss you. So… let’s play “No Guts, No Glory!”

The rules are simple.

   1. If you want to date the person who posted this, send a Personal Message, not a reply to this post, saying “Coffee?”
   2. If you have a crush on the person who posted this, send a Personal Message saying”You’re hot!”
   3. If you just want to sleep with them & stay friends, send them a message that says “Nice shoes!”
   4. If you simply just want to kiss the person who posted this, send a Personal Message saying, “I do!”


The only rule is that, you must not make anyone who sends you a personal message feel stupid for feeling that way about you. Acknowledge. Say thank you. Move on.


SO… re-post this as “No Guts, No Glory”, as it doesn’t matter if you’re married, in a relationship, or single.

You opened it so you HAVE to repost it! A test of your bravery